El módulo de "Instalación y mantenimiento de jardines y zonas verdes" fuimos al CRIS de
Segorbe (Centro de rehabilitación e Integración Social dirigido a personas con
enfermedad mental crónica), para trasplantar a recipientes más grandes las
plantas, ya que las macetas se habían quedado pequeñas y sin nutrientes. Les
aportamos tierra y abono suspirando, para
garantizar el crecimiento vegetal.
The module "Installation and maintenance of gardens and green zones" Segorbe went to CRIS (Centre for rehabilitation and social integration aimed at people with chronic mental illness), to transplant into larger containers plants because the pots were left small without nutrients. We bring them sighing soil and compost to ensure plant growth.
The module "Installation and maintenance of gardens and green zones" Segorbe went to CRIS (Centre for rehabilitation and social integration aimed at people with chronic mental illness), to transplant into larger containers plants because the pots were left small without nutrients. We bring them sighing soil and compost to ensure plant growth.
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