El Taller de
Empleo Segóbriga VII, fue visitado el pasado día 15 de abril del año 2015, por el Jefe del Servicio de Formación del Servef, Javier
Porcar Soriano.
La Conselleria de Economía, Hacienda y Empleo, a través del Servicio Valenciano de Empleo y Formación (Servef), aprueba y
gestiona los Talleres de Empleo. En esta ocasión, la visita, aparte de baremar
el cumplimiento de la correcta dirección, administración y docencia, también
mostró interés por las necesidades y opiniones de los alumnos; con el fin de
mejorar la formación y capacitación profesional para lograr un mejor acceso al mercado
Employment Workshop Segobriga VII, was visited last day April 15 2015, by the Chief of Training Servef, Javier Porcar Soriano.
The Ministry of Economy, Finance and Employment, through the Valencian Employment and Training (Servef) approves and manages employment workshops. On this occasion the visit, besides fulfilling Baremar the right direction, administration and teaching, also showed interest in the needs and opinions of the students; in order to improve vocational education and training for better access to the labor market.
The Ministry of Economy, Finance and Employment, through the Valencian Employment and Training (Servef) approves and manages employment workshops. On this occasion the visit, besides fulfilling Baremar the right direction, administration and teaching, also showed interest in the needs and opinions of the students; in order to improve vocational education and training for better access to the labor market.
También se valoró el cambio de actitud ante el trabajo en este mundo laboral tan competitivo, con la consiguiente mejora en las relaciones laborales, cumpliendo la normativa legal, la identificación de nuestra situación ante el trabajo: las expectativas, posibilidades y limitaciones. Todo ello, se conseguirá de manera adecuada, mejorando las relaciones grupo-clase, para después enfrentarse adecuadamente a las distintas situaciones vitales, adquiriendo habilidades que facilitarán el ingreso en el mundo laboral.
Also the change of attitude was assessed to work in this highly competitive labor market, with the consequent improvement in labor relations, compliance with legislation, identifying our situation at work: the expectations, possibilities and limitations. All this will be achieved properly, improving relations class group, then deal adequately to different life situations, acquiring skills that will facilitate entry into the workplace.
Also the change of attitude was assessed to work in this highly competitive labor market, with the consequent improvement in labor relations, compliance with legislation, identifying our situation at work: the expectations, possibilities and limitations. All this will be achieved properly, improving relations class group, then deal adequately to different life situations, acquiring skills that will facilitate entry into the workplace.
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