En esta segunda
fase, el módulo en la especialidad en revestimiento con piezas rígidas por
adhesión en la construcción, ha quitado la base a sustituir, ya que estaba en
malas condiciones, porque al pisar anteriormente se notaban algunas baldosas
sueltas en distintos sitios, hasta dejar el suelo limpio y preparado para echar
una nueva solera. En primer lugar se procedió al desalojo del material a
sustituir, que se fue echando en un contenedor. Después, con la mezcla de
mortero se actuó en cada una de las estancias del parque, hasta lograr un suelo
uniforme y en perfectas condiciones para en una tercera fase se coloquen las
baldosas correspondientes. Todo ello, para que el parque acuático “Segóbriga
Park” se encuentre presentable cara a la llegada del verano, momento en el que
es visitado por un gran número de personas. Complejo acuático tematizado en la
época medieval, con murallas, puentes, puertas, etc. Además de toboganes,
cascada, jacuzzi y zona de niños. Situado en la cúspide del monte de San Blas.
In this second phase, the module specializing in siding with rigid-bonded construction parts, removed the base to replace, as it was in poor condition, because the step above some loose tiles were noticed in different places, to leave floor clean and ready to take a new hearth. First we proceeded to the eviction of the material to be replaced, which was pouring into a container. Then the mortar mix was performed in each of the rooms in the park, to a uniform soil and in perfect condition for a third phase corresponding tiles are placed. All this, so that the water park "Segóbriga Park" presentable face to the arrival of summer, when he is visited by a large number of people are. Themed waterpark in medieval times, with walls, bridges, doors, etc. In addition to slides, waterfall, jacuzzi and children's area. Located at the top of Mount San Blas.
In this second phase, the module specializing in siding with rigid-bonded construction parts, removed the base to replace, as it was in poor condition, because the step above some loose tiles were noticed in different places, to leave floor clean and ready to take a new hearth. First we proceeded to the eviction of the material to be replaced, which was pouring into a container. Then the mortar mix was performed in each of the rooms in the park, to a uniform soil and in perfect condition for a third phase corresponding tiles are placed. All this, so that the water park "Segóbriga Park" presentable face to the arrival of summer, when he is visited by a large number of people are. Themed waterpark in medieval times, with walls, bridges, doors, etc. In addition to slides, waterfall, jacuzzi and children's area. Located at the top of Mount San Blas.
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