El monitor, José C., impartiendo la teoría. |
La teoría ha estado basada en el módulo formativo mf 1942_2 alicatados y
chapados, en su unidad formativa uf 1560: alicatados convencionales y en la uf
1561: alicatados especiales.
En estas unidades formativas se han dado:
Técnicas de alicatado en capa fina.
Alicatados especiales.
Soportes de alicatados especiales.
Alicatados sobre aislamientos.
Alicatado sobre mosaico pre-montado.
Se acabaron los trabajos de pavimentación en el
Complejo Acuático Segóbriga Park; colocando todo el solado en vestuarios y zona
de recepción.
Se finalizó el alicatado de las paredes y solado de
los vestuarios del Polideportivo.
En la zona exterior del Segóbriga Park, se llevó a
cabo el pintado y reparación de varias zonas de suelo.
o Se
colocó una zona de césped artificial en el Parque Acuático.
o Se vació
la piscina para la posterior reparación y rejuntado de los azulejos deteriorados.
o Se hizo
una acometida de agua para el Camping.
Se ayudó al módulo de jardinería a colocar una
barandilla de madera.
Se empieza la rehabilitación de la capilla de la
Virgen Gracia y Ángel Custodio, al lado de la iglesia de San Pedro.
The theory has been based on the training module 1942_2 mf tiled and laminated, in its formative unit uf 1560: conventional tiles and the uf 1561: Special tiled.
· In these training units they have been given:
· Techniques tiled thin layer.
· Special tiling.
· Supports special tiles.
· Tiling on insulation.
· Tiling on pre-mounted mosaic.
Practices:· Paving work in Segóbriga Park Aquatic Complex is finished; placing all the flooring in dressing rooms and reception area.
· The tiled walls and flooring was completed the Sports locker rooms.
· In the area outside the Segóbriga Park, she was carried out painting and repair of several areas of soil.
or an area of artificial turf was placed Aquatic Park.
or the pool for subsequent repair and grouting of damaged tiles was emptied.
or water connection is made to the Camping.
· It was helped gardening module to place a wooden railing.
· The rehabilitation of the Chapel of Our Lady Grace and Angel Custodio, next to the church of San Pedro was beginning.
The theory has been based on the training module 1942_2 mf tiled and laminated, in its formative unit uf 1560: conventional tiles and the uf 1561: Special tiled.
· In these training units they have been given:
· Techniques tiled thin layer.
· Special tiling.
· Supports special tiles.
· Tiling on insulation.
· Tiling on pre-mounted mosaic.
Practices:· Paving work in Segóbriga Park Aquatic Complex is finished; placing all the flooring in dressing rooms and reception area.
· The tiled walls and flooring was completed the Sports locker rooms.
· In the area outside the Segóbriga Park, she was carried out painting and repair of several areas of soil.
or an area of artificial turf was placed Aquatic Park.
or the pool for subsequent repair and grouting of damaged tiles was emptied.
or water connection is made to the Camping.
· It was helped gardening module to place a wooden railing.
· The rehabilitation of the Chapel of Our Lady Grace and Angel Custodio, next to the church of San Pedro was beginning.
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